PhD Studentship: Understanding Innovation in Zero Carbon Housebuilding

Loughborough University - School of Business & Economics and School of Civil and Building Engineering

Applications are invited for the above studentship commencing 1st April 2015. The studentship will provide a stipend of £13,863 plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate for up to three years (full-time only). This studentship is being funded in collaboration with an ESRC project grant on ‘Making the zero-carbon standard home: understanding project-firm innovation in UK house building’. Due to funding restrictions, this studentship is only open to UK and EU applicants only. 

About the project:

The project will explore the significant challenge which the carbon reduction agenda poses for UK house builders. From 2016 the UK government has introduced a new zero-carbon standard for UK housebuilders. This policy initiative has encouraged the experimental development of various new technological products from structurally insulated panels to micro-generation energy systems, all intended to reduce the carbon consumption of new homes. While technically viable, these technologies pose a series of challenges as they are scaled up across large housebuilding firms and contest established working routines, cultures, practices and business models. This project will investigate this challenge as it is faced by housebuilding firms across the UK.  

Possible research questions include;

1. How do zero (and low) carbon technologies modify as they travel across the supply chains of large, complex firms?

2. How does the transformation of zero and low carbon technology shape policies in carbon standards and sustainability in house building?

3. How might different actors, including housing residents, influence the development of zero and low carbon housebuilding technologies? 

We welcome research proposals on these and other related questions and themes. This successful applicant may mobilize a broad range of disciplinary approaches including Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, Human Geography, Architectural Studies, Housing Studies, Management and Organizational Studies, Construction Management and Anthropology. 

Supervisors: Dr Daniel Sage (Research Centre for Professional Work and Society, School of Business and Economics) and Prof. Andrew Dainty (School of Civil and Building Engineering).


Applicants will have a good first degree in a relevant social science discipline. An MSc/MA postgraduate degree in a related field is also highly desirable. Applicants should have excellent oral and written presentation skills, and experience with qualitative research methods.


Applications are made online at:

Please upload all the supporting documents listed below:

• a 1000-1500 word outline of their proposed research; this outline should include an indication of research questions, theoretical context and methodology.
• Copies of your transcripts/certificates
• Two academic references.

Please quote reference SBE-DS in the financial section of the application form.  Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed shortly after the closing date.

Informal enquiries about the project should be made to Dr. Daniel Sage (d.j.sage<στο>
